Why It's Better To Hire Professionals To Refinish Your Cabinets
If your kitchen cabinets look bad because they are so old, you could replace them; however, this would cost a lot of money. Instead of spending a great deal of money on this, you could always choose to refinish them. Refinishing or refacing cabinets is less costly, but it is also a lot of work, and you may want to consider hiring a professional to do this.
What It Involves
The first thing to understand is that there are many different ways to refinish cabinets. The first option is to remove all the doors and drawer fronts. After doing that, you must sand them and repaint them. You must also remove all the hardware from the cabinets, and you may want to repaint all of that too.
The second option is to remove all the doors and drawers and place a thin piece of wood over them. This option requires a lot more work; however, it will give your cabinets a nicer overall appearance when completed.
The third option is to purchase new doors for all the cabinets. This option may give you the most drastic difference in appearance, but it is also a lot of work.
The Amount of Time and Work It Requires
Depending on which option you choose, this project will take time, especially if you are not an expert at remodeling projects. The most time-consuming options would be painting the doors or covering them with wood, but all three options require a lot of time and work. If you do this yourself, it could take you weeks to complete the entire thing.
The Costs for Refinishing Cabinets
The costs for refinishing your cabinets will depend on which option you choose and on whether you do it yourself or not. If you hire a contractor for any of these options, you should expect to pay around half as much as you would pay if you had replaced the cabinets. This is the most you would pay, though, and there are ways to save money.
The cheapest way to achieve this would be to handle the job yourself and repaint all the doors. If you decide to do this option, you should realize that it might not look as good if you paint them as it would if a professional did the job.
If you are interested in learning more about refinishing your cabinets, contact a remodeling contractor. A contractor can give you ideas, tips, and suggestions and will offer quotes for the different options you are interested in.